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The future of returns:
Match, Ship, and Save

Transform the traditional return process using our AI powered peer to peer return management

Book a Demo Try It On Shopify
Find New Buyers

Ship Between Customers

Let our AI-driven return assessment and smart integrations take care of the logistics

Ship Between Customers

Find new buyers

Our smart algorithm identifies close-by buyers for returned items

Reduce Waste

Reduce emissions, increase savings

Lower your costs per returned item while improving your brand’s commitment to sustainability

How it Works

Our easy to adopt,
smooth peer to peer process

  • Return Initiation
  • AI Inspection and Scoring
  • Proximity-Based Matching
  • Direct Shipping
  • Analytics and Continuous Improvement

Customers initiate a return through the brand’s online platform. The system evaluates the request using AI to ensure it aligns with the brand's return policies.

Why it Works

Through Our AI-powered product inspection

Automated Quality Check

Our AI system performs a comprehensive inspection of returned products, verifying that they meet the specified quality standards.

Scoring System

Each product is assigned a quality score and expected customer satisfaction based on its condition, which helps in making informed decisions about its resale potential.

With the help of efficient matching and shipping

Proximity-Based Matching

Match returned items with potential buyers located in the same market.

Direct Shipping

Once a match is confirmed, the product is shipped directly from the original buyer to the new buyer.

Direct Shipping

Are returns eating into your profits?

Let us help! Get a free consultation and discover how to handle your ecommerce returns more efficiently and cost-effectively.