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Analyze your returns in
Google Looker Studio

Use Pango connector to automatically pull your return data to Looker Studio where you can analyze it and blend it with your other data sources.

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List of 27+ dimensions
Pango connector allows you to analyze your returns in Google Looker Studio using 26 pre-defined dimensions and metrics.

Should you require any additional fields, please let us know and we will add them.

How to get Started?

In the Pango app, navigate to the settings page and scroll down to the section named "Integrations".

Click "Connect".
Screenshot of the integration block in the Pango app
A popup will appear. Click "Generate Token" to generate your Pango key for Looker Studio.
Screenshot of a modal
Copy the generated key and click "Install Pango Connector". You will be redirected to the Looker Studio.
Screenshot of the Pango app
Approve the consent request and when prompted, paste the key generated by Pango.
Screenshot of the Looker Studio credential screen
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Let us help! Get a free consultation and discover how to handle your ecommerce returns more efficiently and cost-effectively.